Remembering God’s Blessings

In January 2003 my life was chaos. I was working two jobs, going to seminary while trying to be a decent husband and father. Life was hectic and harried. Truth be told, I felt like a failure as a husband and dad because of the demands on my time. I started seminary in 2001 and I knew I wouldn’t finish until at least 2006 and there was a season, which lasted a couple of months, that I seriously considered quitting seminary. I could only see the circumstances around me and those circumstances told me that I wasn’t even half- way through seminary, I was tired and I felt like my family was getting week-old leftovers of my time. What made matters worse is that my seminary professors did a great job of preparing future ministers by frequently reminding us of the pitfalls and difficulties of ministry. I listened intently to story after story of ministry horror stories and I asked myself, “Is this my future? Is this what I have to look forward to?” Combine those thoughts with feeling worn out, being only half- way through seminary and feeling like I’m letting down my family, I can tell you that quitting seminary seemed VERY appealing. I talked with my wife about dropping out and she wisely suggested that I speak to a seminary professor before I did something rash. I scheduled a lunch with Dr. Isam Ballenger, who was my Missiology professor. We met at a Chinese restaurant on a bitterly cold January day and I shared my struggles. At one point I told him, “You professors do a great job of painting a bleak picture of what it looks like to be a pastor! I can’t tell you how many ministry horror stories I’ve heard. I’m not sure this life is for me and I’m seriously thinking of quitting.” Dr. Ballenger calmly put down his fork and looked at me, his face full of compassion and care, and he said, “Oh no. Todd don’t do that. We’ve told you those stories to prepare you and maybe we’ve told too many of those stories. Perhaps we have not told you enough about the blessings of ministry.” I will never forget what he said next. He said, “Remember your calling. Don’t forsake your call. The blessings of being a pastor of a local church are too many to name. You will miss those blessings.” He wisely pointed me back to the time I heard the call of the Lord and then he pointed me forward to remind me of God’s sustaining presence, God’s promises and future blessings. Dr. Ballenger spoke to me with such care and conviction that I knew I could not quit. If I’d made it this far, then I could certainly finish.

I tell you that story to tell you this story. One of the greatest blessings I’ve had in ministry is working alongside Linda Gardner. The Lord sent Linda to be our Administrative Assistant one month after I arrived at Bethel. She’s been WAY more than an Administrative Assistant. She truly treated her job as a calling and a ministry. She’s visited our congregants in the hospital. She routinely showed up to help with funerals on Saturdays. She listened to us. She prayed with us and prayed for us. She’s been a prayer partner and confidant to me. No matter the situation, Linda always found something positive and encouraging to say and always pointed us back to the Lord. She’s been the hands and feet of Christ in our office. I have learned so much from her these last 11 years and admire her greatly. Linda retired at the end of September and I want to say a huge “Thank you Linda!” for all of her hard work and tireless dedication. Most of all, I want to thank her for being my friend. I will miss her. We will miss her and we most certainly wish her well and pray that life is full of abundant blessings in her retirement. I also want to thank Dr. Ballenger for his wise words. Had I dropped out of seminary I’d have missed the blessing of working with and knowing Linda and I would have missed 1,000 other blessings along the way.

Perhaps you are in the middle of some difficult circumstances right now. It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed when you’re in the middle of difficult, trying circumstances. If that’s you, take a moment and look beyond the circumstances. Look back and consider all God has done. Listen to the words of Psalm 77:11-13, ““I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. 12 I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds. 13 Your ways, God, are holy. What god is as great as our God?” Amen. What god is as great as our Lord?! Then, pause and think about your future and the promises God has given you. From Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Remember it is God who holds our future and that future contains blessings untold. Please, don’t allow the circumstances you’re facing today to overwhelm you. Remember there are blessings untold in store for you! Amen. May God bless Linda and her husband Charles. May God bless you and may God bless Bethel Baptist Church.


